Friday, March 18, 2022

February 20th (Early Volleyball/Sarah's House-Bad Mom Movie/Trying Alcohol Fun)

Bright and early for us this morning to head out to Volleyball.
Our tradition is always getting Starbucks on the way.
We left around 6ish to grab some and head to Holden, MO! Boo!! Too far like an hour.
Pretty sunrise today!!

Here we go, lets go Attack! We got invited to this tournament, so not our normal one.

We had to sit up super high at this place. I like being closer to get better shots!

We played ok, not the best.
So we played in 2nd bracket.
That meant we played the two most ANNOYING parent teams!! Uhhhhh!
These parents never SHUT UP!!
Both teams parents had chants the whole time, or stupid sayings that just got under your skin and gave you a headache. 

Well we lost and had to ref. 
A few of us parents didn't want to listen to the two annoying teams play each other so we walked to the local bar!! Haha.
This place reeked of cigarettes', old school dark whole in the wall place.
Denise, Me, Sarah and Amber!!
Love this mom's we always are laughing and having a good time together!!
Headed home from Holden around 1 or 2 pm. Made dinner later then was off to Sarah's around 6:00 to hang out with some Momsquad friends! 

(Originally I was going to host the "Let's Try Alcohol Night" but my house is still a disaster and Nick is going to try to work on another room basement isn't cleaned and organized yet!! Ugh.)

Everyone brought fun alcohol to try!! My favorites were the Two Chicks can and Sonic's weren't bad.
And of coarse yummy snacks as always!!
We watched Bad Mom's then I left, I was exhausted from getting up early.


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