Monday, November 9, 2020

October 31st (Happy Halloween)

This morning the girls got gifts from Nick and I!

She was so excited to get another Mythical Creature slime Egg again!!
New lego set for Addie, a graveyard!! 
Ella so excited for little Tonka trucks with sand!!
Egg for Ella too.
I ran around all morning cleaning and cooking for tonight!!
Then Andy and his girlfriend Casey came over to visit from Austin, TX. 
The time kept slipping bye while we chatted, ooops we forgot to carve the pumpkins.
Painting it is this year!!
The girls painted while I kept working around the house.

After the pumpkins we all ran up stairs to get in the shower's and get dressed and ready for friends to come!
I don't know if we have enough food??!!

Kids enjoying some dinner!

Ella the puppy almost ready to trick or treat!
The dad's hanging out in the garage!
Nick and I dressed up as Alien's!!

Sarah, Eli (Bob Ross), and Sarah's mom! 
Loved her care bear outfit.

The mom's.

We had lots of people and a lot going on so I didn't get a lot of pictures. Wish I would have got some of the girls by themselves but oh well we were living in the moment!

Pierce came over to trick or treat! Ella loves our neighbor Pierce!!

All the kids!!

Our neighbor Susan handing out candy!
Trick or Treating!
The weather is sooooo NICE out!! We couldn't ask for a better night!

We found neighbor Jake while Trick or Treating.
Sarah's set up....she left candy out for kids.
Haha...some neighbors up the street....creative and creepy!
We hit up Bekah and Matt's for a little bit and hung out with a bunch of people on their driveway.
Lots of firepits going with groups of people on driveways this year, not as many trick or treater's though...darn Covid.
We actually got home sooner than I thought.
Girls looked at their candy and we hung out for a little bit inside.
Then Ella was ready for bed before 9 pm! Ha.
Addie and Noah hung out on the couch and watched Hocus Pocus while we had some adults over outside to have a few drinks!
Bekah and I.
She dressed up too...yay! Cave woman.

Meagan and Eva.
Eli, Rob and Eva.
I loved Rob as the JOKER...amazing!!

Winners of flip cup!! 
Carrie, Sarah, Bill and I.
Beer pong now.
Love this girl.
Finally got Erika here!! But the pic I took was blurry! We went walking to her house to find her husband down the street. Addie went to bed around 10 and we went on the move to Erika and Sarah's. Then it was around midnight and I headed home! Nick and Rob followed but then didn't go to bed till 4:30 am!! WHAT!!!!!! Happy Halloween!


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