Monday, November 9, 2020

November 1st (Already November??!)

I got up with the girls at 7 something or maybe 6 something/?? Who knows with the time change...ohhh that is killer after Halloween!
We ran up and got Mcdonald's for a late whatever time breakfast! Ha.
Then eventually Nick got up got himself some McDonald's then he went back to bed for awhile.
I took the girls outside since it was nice out to play with neighbors.
Nick woke up then I took a nap!!
After that his mom and Steve stopped bye with gifts for the girls from their birthdays this year.
Ella got this cool instrument floor mat...she loved it!
Adelyn got a couple things including a video recorder/camera thing she liked!
Before Nana left we had to get a picture of Adelyn being TALLER than her already!! Wow that's crazy!!
Got the girls to bed on time and I hit the hay early along with Nick! 


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