Sunday, April 1, 2018

March 29th

Ella looking cute with one of Adelyn's old dresses and pink cow girl boots! 
She is obsessed with shoes right now...different ones all the time.
I tried a new yogurt today...yummy and in a glass jar!
Ella got home today with eggs...she got to have an Easter Egg Hunt in her CBR classroom. They said she ran around quickly to get all the eggs.
Happy girl with candy filled eggs.
Play time with Daddy is the girls favorite time of the day.
Soccer today inside...not the best idea with it hitting all kinds of things in the house. OOPS!

Ella stealing the ball.

Pan fried hamburgers for dinner since it is cold and rainy out today. 
We need this rain to go away...Daddy needs to work along with some side jobs coming up that need to get done without this silly rain!

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