Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 16th (Ladies Night @ the K!!)

Look how cute Addie is today. It was hat day and she pulled it off perfectly!!
My BIG 2nd grader!
So I got roped into going to the Ladies Night at the Royal's Game. 
But then got balled on by two friends Crystal and Joanne. 
I was a little nervous to go since it was on a party bus and I only kind of new about 3 people out of 45. Everyone was a Regency Place mom so I ended up knowing a few more faces but didn't know that well. 
I ended up poping a champagne bottle and got the party started at 4:30 on the bus ride to the Royal's game! Everyone was partying like a rock star and having so much fun. I am also newly on PTO so there were a bunch of PTO' mom's so it was nice to get to know them.
Kristy wearing the scarf we got..which was more like a blanket!
 Kristy, a friend I forgot name, Kelsey and Me. Drinks just kept coming!! Party time.

 Erin, Kelsey, Amy and Kristy. We were having fun at this point. lol
Erin and I decided to find our seats for about 30 minutes..super nice out and great seats.

The people behind us had a hand made quilt with royals shirts...pretty cool.
Well we got back on the bus to head back to Olathe. I was starving after all the drinks and enjoyed some corn dip from Kristy!
 Me, Erin, and Carrey.
The corn dip got passed around.
I had such a good time and met so many new woman from the school.
Great time and would love to do it again!!

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