Saturday, September 3, 2016

August 27th (Impromtu Dinner/Swim at our House!!)

 We invited over the Murray family, McCloskey and Bayer families for some swimming and grilling tonight.
She wouldn't let me take her picture. And she didn't really get in the pool much...almost time to close this baby up! Last pool horah tonight!

Then there is Charlee...she has on her one piece suit with her 9 to 12 month skirt swimsuit bottoms. Lol..I couldn't get over this. She is so funny.

Hand stand time!

 Then I asked Grant to take us girls picture. He is always silly and crazy so the pictures will explain themselves. Lol.

                         Finally one good one. Oh Grant.

Great fun end of the summer get together. We ate yummy kabobs and let the kids swim till it got dark. What a great time...thanks for coming. Now to enjoy a break from our pool parties and enjoy the soon to be fall!!

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