Saturday, April 4, 2015

March 31st (Happy 8 year Anniversary Nick!!)

Ok time to play catch up I forgot to mention, we found and bought a house Saturday March 21st. We were super excited and couldn't believe that we got such an amazing house. But then the tragedy of Bailey happened the next day while we were cleaning and prepping for our house to be put on the market the next day Monday. Which we went ahead and put it on since we were pretty much ready to go. Very hard and stressful but was a good distraction. Then a few days later on Wednesday we SOLD our house!! was a little crazy but we were happy not to have to show it anymore. It just seemed like so much was happening at the same time. Then on Friday since Nick took off for the week we got the inspection done on the new house. Sadly Saturday was Bailey's funeral. Very hard, stressful, and exhausting week. I think God was really trying my patience this week...glad we made it through.
Today was the inspection on our house now. So we went with our friends the Washington's up to Cherry Berry on this gorgeous day. The girls were super excited! Love our friends and will miss being so close by to them!!

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