Monday, April 20, 2015

April 5th (Happy Easter!!)

Easter bunny came!!
Love how the girls don't get up too early! 7 am is just fine with

Adelyn even got a whoopee cushion.

Adelyn loved her stuff. After we hunted for eggs...I made a huge yummy breakfast. We then hung out around the house. I made food for my grandparents house and then we were off around 3:30 to go to Easter over there.
Homemade vanilla two layer cake...looks good.

Look at these gorgeous girls!!

Love all of these...I can't choose.

They got more goodies from Grandma and Grandpa.

Me and David.
Me and my mom.
My honey.
Family photo 2015!
She looks so comfy in Grandpa A.D.'s chair.

Trying to get anyone to open up her chicks.
                                                                    4 Generation picture!!
It was really nice being able to go to my grandparents to spend Easter with them. My grandma hasn't been doing well for awhile now. It was so good to see her and my grandpa. The girls enjoyed themselves and all their new toys. Great Easter!!

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