Sunday, November 2, 2014

October 29th (Addies last day/Price Chopper/Swimming LessonS!)

Adelyn already to go to school for her last day before fall break!! Halloween style!
We saw this on pinterest!! Adelyn loved it.
Ella in her Halloween outfit.
Tea Party.
After we took Adelyn to school we came home to clean and play. Then it was time to head up to Q-trip to get some pretzels and drinks to take to Adelyn at school for lunch today.
Time to go play on the play ground after lunch today. Ella was super excited!

Wee...Ella and I only stayed for about 20 minutes because the kids just swarm around her, plus there are about 125 kindergarteners at once out there! wow to much for me!
Ella then came home to take a nap and after we picked up Adelyn to head up to Price Chopper for their Halloween Fun!! We met Jasmine, Olivia and Jax up there. They made sugar cookies, got buckets, goodies and toys. We also met up with the Black family. Fun!!

Our goodies we got...super nice Price Chopper!
Once we left Price Chopper we headed to Adelyn's last swim lesson. She did soooo awesome. She was in Preschool 1 and will now be in Learning to swim 1...which means she past 2 levels!! whoop whoop...she can swim on her belly and back. She is doing so well that we enrolled her in the next one starting next Monday with the same teacher. The other great news is that she might be the only one again in the class!! lol I am not sure yet but that would be wonderful! 
We had a long day and night of activities, ready to go relax and can't wait for the Royals game tonight!! World series baby!!

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