Thursday, November 6, 2014

November 1st

Wow today I woke up feeling like crap!! Nick had to go to work really early and felt horrible also. I only had 4 vodka cranberries and I felt horrible. I also only got 4 hours of sleep which made me feel worse. The girls were really good today and Ella took a nap luckily. Nick got home finally at 2 and passed out till 7 pm. Nice for him but not me I got the girls!! I did lay down during Ella's nap but I couldn't sleep do to neighbors dog barking outside, the cat and Adelyn running around the house. But it did help to lay there.
After I made dinner for me and the girls we decided to get in the hot tub. It was the girls first time getting in while it was dark, so we got to us the lights inside the hot tub. They had so much felt nice in warm in the cold weather. Can't wait till it snows to get in that nice warm hot tub! I don't think I will be drinking for a long time now!! lol. I just can't party like I am in college anymore!

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