Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 19th (Pirate Day/Park Play date!!)

My adorable little pirate. We got already to go to Krispy Kreme to get us some FREE dozen each of glazed donuts. Well so we thought!! 
We headed to Independence to get donuts and then to deliver to Nick in Lee's Summit, but guess was CLOSED!! Seriously CLOSED!! ahhhhhh!! Not a happy camper for me or Ella. 
We tried to make the best of being in Independence so we headed to Old Time Pottery and found some good finds! 
After school play date with new and old friends!!
Big girl all by herself!
       One of our new friends Olivia who is in Kindergarten with Addie. We met her and her family at the playground this summer. Adelyn and her are in different classes but are becoming friends. And I am with her mom Jenni!
Ella walked across all by herself for the first time.
Skate park time...normally we do not go down her. Ella with Jax here! He is so cute.

                                               Adelyn (5), Kelsey (9), Jasmine (5), Olivia (6)
We also went to the sand volleyball area to play. The kids had so much fun playing on the playground. Really am enjoying our new friends! Jenni is super nice and lives the next neighborhood over from us and picks Olivia up like Allison and I. She might start joining us on walking up to school, her walk is a little farther though.
After the playground we headed out to get Pizza Hut for a special treat. Pizza and a movie tonight. We watched Lion King and I enjoyed my girls!! To bad Daddy had to work to late to watch with us. Love my girls!!

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