Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 20th (Dr., Crown Center, hanging with Grandma)

At Crown Center starting our fun filled day with Grandma Joy.

 We ate lunch at Fritz's, Grandma Joy's first time. We waited for about 15 minutes and then ran into Ashley, Austin and Ava. It was great seeing has been too long.

 After lunch we headed over to the candy store...Grandma's idea. She was so nice to buy us all something and Daddy who was at work.
 Then we got to Kaleidascope and had to wait about 10 minutes with a whole bunch of people. It is too packed over spring break, but we still had fun. Adelyn didn't make much but we took a lot of stuff home to use later.

Today we started off our day going to Chirldren's Mercy to have Ella's head re checked. The doctor said that she has grown some and there seems to be plenty of room for her brain. Which I am so thankful for!! After the boring part of the day, as Adelyn would say, we headed to Crown Center. We had so much fun with Grandma all day from 9 to was nice spening some quality time just us 4!! Thanks mom for you lots!

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