Friday, July 29, 2011

July 28th (1st time on the Slip n Slide)

Slip N Slide Time

Daddy setting it up!!

Excited little girl.

Daddy showing Addie how to do it!! I think he had fun too. LOL

Pushing Adelyn so she would go on her belly.

Daddy's turn again.

Action shot.

Drink please.

Today Addie and I headed up to Target to check to see if the toys were more on clearance than a couple weeks ago and we hit the jack pot. They were starting to mark clearance toys down 75% off!! Woo Hoo. I had noticed every year for about 4 years now they do this in the summer and after Chrsitmas. So I hooked Addie up on some Christmas presents already...actually we are just going to get her one more big thing and a couple more little things and she is done!! LOL Well I also scored the slip n slide for $6 which Addie has been wanting one. I told her she had to wait till after dinner and when Daddy could help. So after dinner we headed out to the shaded area and hooked up her water slide. She loved it...we were outside for almost an hour. Great Night!!

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