Monday, December 27, 2010

December 25th (Christmas Day!!)

Santa Came!!

Adelyn got a HUGE dog from Santa, a Kitchen and a baby cradle.


She got a guitar from Uncle Stevie.

Great PaPa and Great GaGa.

Stephen, PaPa David and GaGa Joy.

Playing the drum we got her.

Mommy got a new...huge purse from GaGa. I love it!!

Uncle Stephen got a fake cigarette to help him quit smoking.

Adelyn got a new baby and a new baby set. She loved being able to take the clothes off and putting new the baby came with a diaper.

A new tricyle from Great GaGa and PaPa. She loves it.

Drawing at her new table from GaGa and PaPa.

Doggies got stuff from Santa too!!

Me and Addie.

Adelyn wanted to take a bath so bad after finding out that the baby GaGa got her was a bathtime baby. She loved playing in the bath with her baby. Today was a fun, exciting, tiring, and happy day. Adelyn was definately spoiled and there were still two more Christmas's to go!!

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