Friday, December 24, 2010

December 22nd (Baking Baking Baking)

Today we baked and baked!!
Addie played for awhile with playdough while I baked, but then once things started getting done all she wanted to do was eat.

Yummy White Chocolate pretzel...she just ate the chocolate off.

Grandma and Addie icing cookies!!

Addie loved helping making her own cookies. What a little baker!!

Addie got another present in the mail from Aunt Stephanie who lives in TN. She got an adorable outfit from children's of our favorite places. Addie of course looked past the clothes but loved the snowman tissue paper. She is so silly. Thanks Steph!!

Today was a pretty good day with Addie...she wasn't so clingy like the day before. I really loved baking relaxes me. Yesterday I made the sugar cookies, peanut brittle and m&m cookies. Then today I made Puppy Chow, Fudget, White Chocolate Pretzels, Peanut Butter Hersery Kiss Cookies, Snow Ball Cookies and the rest of the M&M cookies. My mom made Lemon Squares and Spritz. They are all so yummy!!

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