Monday, November 9, 2009

November 7th (Playdate at Erica and Bridget's home)

Bridget (7 months), Mia (6 months) and Adelyn (5 months). In this picture Bridget is welcoming the girls to her new home. She just talked and talked to was to cute!!

Wrestle Mania!!!

Mia and Adelyn seemed to like to play/wrestle with one another.
Me and Addie swining in the tree swing.

Luckily Erica's husband Wes was home so that he could take all of our picture together!

Addie posing for the picture.

Mia looking cute!

The girls were interested in eating the leaves as we tried to take fall pics.

Erica and Bridget on the swing at Erica's house.

Amy and Mia fast asleep!!

Today we went and played over at Erica and Bridget's new house in Olathe. The girls hadn't gotten together in about a month and boy have they changed a lot. Bridget is sitting up like a pro and talking a lot. Mia is crawling, sitting and pulling up on things. And Addie is crawling, sitting and pulling up on things. We had such a great time and loved Erica's new home. Thanks for having us ...hope to get togther soon!!

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