Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November 15th (Visiting baby Aidan Wages at home/Chiefs Game at Neighbors)

Look at that adorable face!!

Nick couldn't believe how little he was and that Addie was ever that same too.

The happy family...Hollie, Aidan and Justin Wages.

Look how big Adelyn is compared to Aidan...man time has flown bye!!

The proud daddy's!!

Chief's Game at Neighbors House

Kelsey and Alexis loved playing with Addie.

Kelsey and Addie.

Alexis and Adelyn.
Today was a fun filled Sunday...we just lazed around on Saturday so Sunday of coarse had to packed full!! It was great seeing baby Aidan and letting Adelyn see him again. We also had a great time at the neighbors and got good in full on the best ribs from Terry!

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