Thursday, January 9, 2025

December 23rd (Community Center-well Maybe?)

Well I was busy all day and trying to deliver cookies to neighbors, so time was slipping away.
Nick loaded the girls into the car and forgot Ella's jacket.
Well it was warmer earlier but was getting colder later on.
We dropped off cookies to our friends house in another neighborhood.
Then we headed to the community center for my favorite lights, but Ella started to fall apart right at beginning because she was cold. Well I blew up on Nick because he didn't think to bring jacket, gloves for her? It wasn't just the jacket it was that I feel stressed and having to do everything for everyone!
Ugh being a mom is hard sometimes and I just lost it.
So we left the community center, went home and stayed home.
Nick was mad at me for being rude, but I didn't care. Ugh! Life sometimes is so much fun. Not.
(We talked the next day and we got it figured out. But I always feel stressed at this time, too many things to do!)


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