Monday, January 6, 2025

December 21st (Holiday Baking/Homemade Pretzels)

I started baking late in the afternoon today. 
I made the white chocolate pretzels, white trash, white chocolate Oreos and sugar cookies. 
I also made these yummy pretzels again! I love them so much, like the best ever!
I am already tired but will be doing more tomorrow!


December 20th (Ella @ School-Last 1/2 Day for GIrls)

I got a 1/2 day to myself before Winter break. Ella made it to school and felt even better today.
She watched Christmas Movies.
Having fun in class.
Happy girl ready for Christmas Break!


December 19th (Adelyn's V-ball Schedule/Chipotle Lunch w/Addie/Secret Santa's Last Night @ Volleyball Practice)

Adelyn's tournament schedule.
Well I sent Ella to school today because she was feeling better, but she had 3 seizures around 9:30 am so I had to go get her. 
I had planned to take Addie out to lunch but that can't happen so we got Chipotle in instead!

Tonight volleyball at the legends. It was the last one before Christmas so the end of the Secret Santa! Big gift time.

The girls had a lot of fun and laughing! Glad we can start the Holdiay's off with some fun!
I also made treats for the girls.
Double Tree copy cat cookies, along with Vanilla cupcakes! Yum!
The girls were so excited.


December 18th (Ella Sick/Immune Boosting/Homemade Bread/Ella's CBR Teacher)

Ella has been home yesterday and now today. 
No fever, just tired and congested.
I found some new stuff to try and will be trying to implement more in our everyday life.
I also made some sandwich bread, a new kind.

Ella's new CBR teacher is famous.
Ha. We really like her!


December 15th (Adelyn's Ceramic Pieces)

Some more pieces of Adelyn's, these are amazing! I can't believe how good she is at art, way better than what I ever did!


December 14th (Grinch Jammies/Bocce Ball w/Uncle Steve & Auntie Lisa/Dinner @ Red Door)

Ella got these pajamas in her advent calendar but we haven't gotten a picture. She loves her Grinch Jammies and wears them every other day as long as I keep up on laundry!
I even did Grinch themed gifts this year, along with green presents and red bows!
I know I am fancy! Ha.
Today we got Uncle Steve to go to Bocce ball for a Christmas/Nick Birthday fun and give Steve his Christmas Present.
Ella got to see Santa who was at Pinstripes...score and it was free and no lines. Lol.
Time to have some fun and play.
Everyone could play even Ella!!

Auntie Lisa met us there as well.

We all got to play and have fun!
Then we headed to dinner at Red Door Grill, Brennen & Aubree met us there.
We got yummy food like normal. 
Then Ella went over to her favorite person Aubree to check on the baby in her belly!
So sweet.
We will have a great Nephew in April! We are so excited to hold a tiny baby again, well me!
Nick, Lisa, Me, the girls and Steve all got in our car to drive around to look at Christmas Lights for a little while. Then Lisa took Uncle Steve home for us. We had a fun night!


December 13th (Oliver/Nick's Presents)

Look who came to cuddle with me this afternoon.

He just likes to get really close to me! Ha.

We had to do Nick's gifts from us tonight, since I didn't want to take to the restuarant.

We got him a bunch of clothes.

This jacket can hold a gun inside the pocket. 
Just for future or if Nick ever gets a conceal and carry.
Also got him 2 nice pairs of boots.
Coffee big travel mug!
A new puzzle to do this winter.

He liked all of his gifts!
Happy Birthday again Nick.