Friday, January 31, 2025

December 27th (Ella's Karaoke Machine)

I cleaned up today and started getting this house back in order while Ella jammed out to her new karaoke machine! She loves it!!


December 26th

Girls are ready for bed!
They got a gift card from Grandma Judy awhile ago but forgot to let them open.


Monday, January 27, 2025

December 25th (Merry Christmas-Morning As A Family/Breakfast w/my family/Parents House Dinner)

Good Morning.
Merry Christmas!!
We had to wake the kids up since my parents had to come a little earlier with the Chiefs game being on at noon.
Ella is excited to see what Santa brought.
Adelyn happy and tired too.
Look what Ella got from Santa, a new life like baby.
Adelyn wanted books. Easy and cheap. Ha.
Stocking time.
Dumping out is her favorite thing.

Our turn.
Don't mind the wonderful angle of me Adelyn took . Ugh.

Present time.

Laughing about this shirt. It is the Hook guy from Once Upon A time she thought was cute. So I found a shirt, she was dying laughing from it.

Ella has been wanting these Crocs for years, finally got them for her.

And she wanted this a lot as well.
Well we barely got breakfast done in time. 
Breakfast was yummy like normal. Then it was more present time.

A new pretty sweater.
A Snuggie.
They loved them.

Great picture nick, geez.

Loves her Crocs.

They wanted an Airfryer!

Group Selfie before they leave to head home.
After they left I cleaned forever it seemed in the kitchen!
Mayva is so cute!
We forgot to take a picture in our pajamas so we had to take another selfie with Mayva.

Adelyn all coozie with her Snuggie and her new Corgi Slippers.
We got ready and headed over around 3:30 pm. Ugh I am tired!

Ella didn't want a picture with Adelyn.

My pretty girls!

After some yummy Prime Rib dinner. 
We headed out to look at Christmas Lights and go to the Community Center again to see the lights!
Lots of lights.

Oh Ella, your facial expressions.

So beautiful.

We had a great Christmas. Lots of laughs and family time. Which is what I love the most!