Monday, May 6, 2024

April 4th (Pizza Shuttle/Heart Monitor/Ciabatta Rolls/Lil's Lead Roll in the ONW Play)

Got myself a personal pizza shuttle pizza for lunch today and enjoyed some shows!
Put a heart monitor on myself today. I will wear this for 2 weeks to make sure my heart is doing ok.
Later in the afternoon I decided to make Ciabatta rolls for the 1st time, they turned out amazing!!
Adelyn and I ran out the door to get Amber and Kaia to head to ONW to see Lillian in the play.
She is the lead!! Way to go Lil!
It was a Sherlock Holmes Play.

The play was sooo good!! Loved it and Lil was soooo amazing!! WoW!

Oh and we grabbed Taylor too!
Great day and night!
I am exhausted, time for bed!!


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