Friday, February 23, 2024

February 14th (Valentine's Day-Universal Studious ALL Day-Harry Potter World/Salt Grass)

We got to Universal around 10:30 am. We headed straight back to the Hogwarts Train to hop over to Harry Potter Land! (As we call it!)

Heading to the train looking at all the buildings.


Headed in.

Made it to the train.
Excited to go on the train.
(And I didn't sleep as well as I had hoped for, so I have bags under my eyes and am tired! Lol.)
It's here now!

I also got us shirts to wear.
Plus Addie got some extra Harry Potter stuff.

We made it!!
Just ignore all the people in the pictures! Geez. 
They said it wasn't even crowded, it can be way more than this.
We put our names in for the motorcycle bike ride, so it gave us time to walk around and explore the buildings.

Candy shop.

The buildings are so amazing!

Wand shop.

The castle.
Happy Huffle Puff Girl!
The singing frogs.
Another ride in here we will go on after.

Ella opted not to go on the ride because of being scared. Nick and I were able to do a child swap with Addie. So she went twice! Which she was totally fine with, lol. This Motorcycle ride was amazing!!

Happy girl!!

Jurassic park area.
We went in here, then Addie and Nick got on another Harry Potter Ride, Ella chickened out again. Which I didn't really care to ride it either.

It was actually a short ride, Ella probably would have been fine.
Nick and Ella went back to Jurassic Land to look around while Addie and I went back to the candy shop to get her a treat.

Finally got a butter beer. 
We got a slushy one since it was pretty hot out.
It was sooo amazing!
I was so surprised how delicious it is. 
I am going to try to attempt to make it at home.

Adelyn was going to get candy but I told her about a chocolate cake in a cauldron I saw on Pinterest. We found it and she got one. You can take the Cauldron home and bake in it again!
Happy girl enjoying everything Harry Potter!

Look what Ella talked her Daddy into getting her, a T-Rex.
After Addie ate her treat we headed to eat lunch that we brought. I made sandwiches and stuff, which is so much more cheaper and healthier!
After we hopped on a Jurassic Park Water Ride. You get to see animatronic dinosaurs which was so cool. Then a big drop in a waterfall at end. Which we all got a little wet, which was fine because it was getting warmer out.
But then the ride had a malfunction and we got stuck sitting in our boat right before we could exit. We sat for at least 20 mins or so! ugh!
Luckily they got us off then we got 4 fast passes!
Walking across the metal bridge from boats like a plank. Oh geez!

Nick and Adelyn went on King Kong Ride, while Ella and I went to bathroom along with getting a slushy for her!

Toon town.

Super Hero Area.
Ella had been wanting to go on the Spiderman ride all day. We finally made it to the 3D/4D ride. She liked it! It was fun! Glad it worked out.
Then Nick and Adelyn used 2 fast passes to get on the Hulk Rollercoaster, while Ella and I waited. 
We got to see them on the coaster.

Adelyn and Nick love the Hulk ride!! It looked super fun.
We headed to Dr. Seuss land for Ella after the Hulk ride.

Getting on a slow little roller coaster that was nice to go on. You are up high so you can look out at the park! Plus the sun was going down so perfect timing!

Adelyn was so nice to ride the carousel with Ella.

This one had lights and went up high. They had fun!

We left around 6:30 or so to go get dinner outside the park.
We were hungry so we opted for Salt Grass Steakhouse which we have ate at a couple times in the South!
Dinner was so yummy!!  And hit the right spot!
We headed back to the Airbnb to get some sleep, going to Universal tomorrow!
Saw this huge McDonald's on the strip!


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