Friday, September 9, 2022

August 29th (Mold!!!/Storm Pics/1st CT 8th Grade V-ball Games)

So this morning I looked down and found mold on our vents?? AHHHHH! What the heck!

I got ahold of a vent cleaning place and they are coming tomorrow. For now I took my vents off cleaned with bleach and put them outside! Hope we can figure out why this happened.
Driving to get Ella from school to head to CT for 1st Volleyball Games this year.
The storm is looking crazy out here!

Adelyn plays on B team so I am usually a little late to the A team game. But glad I still got there since she threw Adelyn in for a little bit!
There she goes, looking confused! Ha.

Adelyn played great on the A team and scored 4 points!

They won!!
Dynamic Duo, Riley and Adelyn.
Now for B team!

Go B team.

They won!!

Yes girl.

They won the 2nd game!!
Great job girls. PT wasn't very good but nice to win still!!

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