Tuesday, July 5, 2022

June 1st (Cyclones Swim Team/Ella Helping @ Hyvee/Max & Theo Babysitting)

Adelyn in the black suit, Taylor in the pink and Noah in black shorts!
There goes Noah.

Adelyn going in the pool.
Taylor's turn.
Go Adelyn.
Go Taylor.
While Addie was at practice, Ella and I ran over to Hyvee to get some groceries.
We did self checkout and she helped bag stuff, way to go Ella.

Then she got a free horse ride!!
We came home with Adelyn, we ate lunch then make up time with Ella.
We are both so pretty!! Ha.
Then Nick got home just in time to help me watch Max and Theo. Jeff and Sasha went out to dinner to celebrate their anniversary!
Wow it was crazy around here!!

I made noodles and beef, pretty simple. Theo couldn't stop eating it! Max ate a little, but he is a picky eater.
Time for a walk to get these kids moving!!

Jake across street helped Nick move Adelyn's new furniture up to her room!

Wow I am tired from a full day and watching the 2 nephews!! Night Night!!

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