Sunday, July 5, 2020

July 1st (Annual 4th of July Party w/Simmon's Girls)

Ella wanted a picture with Bridget.
All the girls together again!!
Looking so big!

Me and my girls!

Erica and I with our big girls! Wow they are getting tall.

We ran out and got goodcents for lunch!! Yummy!
Then it was time to swim.

 Swimsuit picture!

Erica enjoying the pool!

Love how Bridget snuck in there...ha!

 Happy happy complaints in the pool!
 More relaxing for Erica.

My turn to relax!
Cannon ball time!!

 One handed cartwheel for Bridget!! Wahoo!

 Emerson having fun on the slide!

We kept it simple this year!
Flag cake from Erica and ice cream sundaes from me!
We had such a great day with our friends. We had to eventually kick them out around 3:45 since Addie has another v ball game at 6:15 tonight!

 Decorations I put up!
The girls watched tv, ate snacks and relaxed before we left around 5:45!

 Lets go Crush!! They lost but the games were super close!

Well did we get a surprise tonight or what???
So I grabbed a late dinner for us at Culver's, got home around 7:40. Just when we sat down to eat the door bell ring and it was the MCCLOSKEY GIRLS!! Say what??!!
Lizzie had the girls plus an extra boy so we got to go surprise Noah and Bekah's family. Yay!
April and her friend were looking at houses tonight and tomorrow morning.
The kids played outside and inside my house!
Finally April came back around 9ish. 
We hugged and chatted a bit, then took the girls home to go to bed!
We will see them tomorrow!!

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