Sunday, November 13, 2016

November 1st Horrible Day/Basketball Practice!

Adelyn ready for her first Dance club class at school!
               Just a few shots of Adelyn at her first basketball practice.
I think today was one of the most horrible days in a very long time. Today was super long. It started off of us waking up super late, me shoving Adelyn out the door at 7:20 to run to the neighbors to catch a ride for her first dance club class at school. Then me accidentally falling back asleep until 8:30 when Ella and I had to be down at children's mercy by 9:15. I threw on clothes and Ella's got her a smoothie and me a granola bar and got downtown by 9:25. Luckily they let us in...we saw the neurologist about Ella's new seizures that she has had a night. (Only 3 that I know of right now.)
After about 2 hours in the appointment we finally got to leave with the doctors informing me to put Ella on seizure medication for the rest of her life!!! What! I was so overwhelmed and hungry that we stopped at Winstead's for lunch. Which Ella did so wonderful at her appointment that she definitely deserved some ice cream and fries!! Then I dropped Ella off at school and remembered I had to go to the store before finally getting home around 2:15.
I went to sit down and relax since my neck and back have been really hurting me. And I remembered that I had to volunteer at Adelyn's school at much for resting. I was pretty much in a daze while reviewing kids papers they wrote. Grab Adelyn finally at 3:35 to run and get Ella super late. Normally I pick her up at 3:20. Uhhh!! I dropped the kids off at home with Nick and headed to the chiropractor because I was in so much pain.
Finally I got home at 5 to make a quick dinner for the family. And I sat down to put ice on my neck for a few minutes. Then I was off again to take Adelyn to basketball at 6. I stayed for about 15 minutes then I left to pick up Lizzie to head to our PTO meeting at the food center to have a tour and PTO meeting till 8:30! Wow that was a long meeting. Lizzie, Ruth and I hit up The Other Place for some yummy appetizers. As I spilled my horrible day to everyone.

Horrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day!!
Glad it is a new day tomorrow!

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