Tuesday, July 12, 2016

July 7th (Kaleidoscope Fun!!)

Look what sissy did to her little sister!!
She loved it.

Happy girls together.
Time to go pick up our friends to head to Panera/Chipotle for lunch and then to Kaleidoscope!!

Ella wanted to play with the water sink instead of artwork.

                                                 Mr. Potatoe Free Exhibit at Crown Center

We all hit up the candy store for some treats next. Then lastly we showed the Haag girls the Water Fountain in the hotel!! They had never been. 

I got a cute one!! All smiling...wow first time ever! lol


They are too cute!!
Silly girls with their baby bottle suckers.
Going up the elevator and looking out outside!! 

Great day with friends. Happy we got to go!!

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