Wednesday, April 20, 2016

March 15th-Day 2 at Ceramic Cafe w/School Mom's!!)

                    All the kiddos that came to paint with us!! They got to paint bunnies!!

Ella had so much fun...last time we were here Ella was 1 and practically a baby!!
Daphne and Addie (Her best friend at School!)

Crystal's little one Charlie. She is sooo cute...but very silly and naughty at times. haha 
Sweet Lauren.

Violet...Daphne's sister.
So much fun this morning getting to paint bunnies. They all looked so cute. 
We all then headed out to get McDonald's and to meet at the awesome mission park that Erica and I went to many years ago.
Long story short...Ruth and I waited forever for our food. Lol. And it was super windy and a little to cold to the park didn't last long.
Oh to Costco we go with Ruth and Noah. Ella was so done before we entered
 Costco but we made it out alive with pajamas for the girls!!
Then it was home to rest and watch a movie!! Long fun filled day.

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