Sunday, March 1, 2015

February 21st (LONG LONG DAY!!)

                                  Adelyn, Ella, Me and Uncle Stephen at our Dad's grave!!
Miss you everyday Dad!!
                                                   Visiting Grandma Jacky in Rehab.
Today was such a long, sad, tiring and crazy. Well we relaxed all morning, but then headed to the funeral home by 1 pm. I didn't know what to expect for the funeral since my grandpa don died in December. At first we didn't know if anyone would show up but to our happy surprise so old workers that painted for my dad and grandpa came. It was pretty cool hearing stories about my dad and grandpa. My grandpa closed the business over 15 years ago and these people still showed up. It was super sweet.
I also got to meet my older cousins that I haven't seen since I was 5. One cousin had 2 kids that are 6 and 4 that Adelyn and Ella got to play with for the whole 2 hrs. It was sad at times but very laid back which was just the right funeral.
After the funeral we headed over to my dad's grave to visit him. It always makes me sad and miss him when we go. We haven't been in years....we need to go back at least once a year.
Then we stopped by rehab to see Grandma Jacky. She was having issues with her heart and water weight. She seemed to be super happy with us visiting so that was good. The girls were a little upset so we couldn't stay too long.
Last we headed out to Lenexa for my cousin Keri's going away/engagement party. It was super super crowed. We ate as little and talked a little to my cousin. Then left after about an hour...the kids wanted to go home and so did we! We finally got home around 6:30. Long crazy day. There were some really great times tough.

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