Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 5th (Home Depot Fire Safety Event)

Game Time!!
Ella wantede to keep the duck instead of get a prize!!

Free Cotton Candy!
Ella loved the cotton candy and kept wanting more through out the time we were there..she ate the most.

She knocked over almost all the buckets but one.
One of my new favorite pictures of the girls together...they are inside a big army truck!!
Practicing rolling and crawling like if there was a fire...the lady taught them what to do. I liked this one. 
Jillian is here!!

                                                               Love this picture of the girls!!
In the firetruck with the big girls.

Jillian in the army tank ready to shoot.

Today was so much fun. Daddy had to work at his side job this Saturday so the girls and I headed up to McDonalds for a breakfast treat!! It was super yummy and got a redbox for Addie and one for us. Then it was time to head on over to Home Depot for their Fire Safety Event.
We got there and attempted to put together a safety airplane but we bent the nail plus it was windy. We took it home so Daddy could help.
Next we headed over to play the fun games set up. The girls spotted the cotton candy and treats. They had hot dogs, apples, oranges, cookies, juice boxes, water bottles, popcorn, cotton candy all for FREE!! It was very nice of them and delicious.
We also ran into our neighbors the Washington's and hung out for awhile.
After all the fun we headed home for Ella to nap and Addie and I to relax. Daddy got home late and then had to head back after dinner so we just got chinese! Fun day!!

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