Sunday, June 2, 2013

March 26th (Memorial Day Party @ my Parents)

Everyone in the hot tub for some warm water..not like the freezing pool!!
Adam and his girlfriend Amanda.
My brother.
My brother, Johnathon, Zack, Brandon and Adam.
Nick and Kiel.
Cousin Jordan with Ella Boo.
Ella actually let her boyfriend hold her also.
Mia and Addie loved Jordan.
This shot was sooo funnny...the kick board flew out and hit Jordan's boyfriend in the face. lol
The recent Graduate, Quinn and my aunt Cindy.
Look at these cute little ones...Mia, Ava, Ella, and Adelyn.
Ella wouldn't look at me for anything.
Ava through the glass.
Me and Nick with our Ella!!! She still wouldn't look at the camera. lol
Amy and Ava. Ava is just too her smile.
Today was so much fun at my parents house. The kids had fun playing and getting in the hot tub. It was nice chit chatting with Amy while the guys "watched" the older girls! Lots of great food and fun.

Side Note: There was a little drama with Shady cat who couldn't poop and kept throwing up. So my mom and step dad were freaking a little but then figured it out. My mom took her to the emergency pet place and all was better for the us and her.

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