Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 15th (Sprint Fall Fest)

Today we headed to the doctor...again for Addie. She has been getting all congested I thought the sinus infection hadn't gone away from a week ago and I was right. She has a double ear infection and a sinus infection...back to more medicine we go.
After we left I had seen that there is a FREE Fall Festival downtown at the Power and Light District. They had FREE pumpkins to decorate, caramel apples, apple pie, pony rides, hayrides, jumping house and trick or treating for the kids at local companies. Adelyn had so much fun and so did we. But the biggest let down was that I grabbed the camera and forgot the BATTERY on the charger. So sad...she even wore her cute witch costume and got her hair sprayed purple. Next time I will remember for sure...the night before. Many more Halloween activities to come.

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