Monday, August 15, 2011

August 13th (Johnson County Fair)

1st ride by herself with Mia.

And then our hearts stopped when it went in the air...we had know idea. But Adelyn loved it!!

Bridget, Mia and Addie together!!

Mia ready to go.

Adelyn excited to go.

Bridget happy and 1st time on a ride.

Fishing with Daddy.

Adelyn picked a sword!!

Ducky game...she picked a pink shark stuffed animal even though she wanted one of the ducks instead.

Looking at all the animals.

Corn dog time!!

Fancy the ones Tori Spelling has. LOL

Tonight we had so much fun. We met the Simmon's family, plus Brittany and Tompkin's family, plus Lindy at the Johnson County Fair. The girls had so much fun riding the rides and playing the rip off games. LOL We loved all the animals and cotton candy at the end. We then ended up at Austin's Bar and Grill for some salad and soup because off all the greasy fries at the fair. Great day and night!!

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