Monday, June 6, 2011

June 4th (Adelyn's 2nd Birthday Party)

Word World Birthday Party

Cousin Ava with Auntie Sherry.

Aidan with Adelyn's presents.

All the yummy food.

Birthday girl just loves balloons.

Family picture.

Aidan with his party hat.

Mia with her party hat!!

Food yum.

Erica and Emerson stopped by...since Bridget was sick at home with Daddy.

Present time.

Taking a break...reading a book.

Birthday cake...wasn't the way it was suppose to work but it worked. No point in worrying about it.

Blowing out the candles with Mommy.

Cake and Ice Cream is her favorite.

Pool time...Amy helping out...thanks.

Hollie and me.

My family.

Some of Nick's Family

Justin and Aidan.

Bailey and Brennen.

Cousin Ava.

Cousin Haley

Auntie Lisa, Cousin Bailey...Addie just loves Bailey.

Today was so much fun and exciting. Adelyn loved her 2nd birthday party and did pretty well with so many people. We had a big pool party. The kids just loved the pool and everyone had so much fun. I can't believe how BIG my little girl is gettting. Love you Addie Baby.

Side Note: (Addie says now "Foot Nakey...instead of Butt Nakey". I think she heard it from Daddy) LoL

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