Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 21st (K-mart & Golden Corral)

Riding on Daddy at Kmart...she just loved it and it gave mommy time to look around!! LOL

Then we ate at Golden Corral...I had to pull the camera out because Addie started eating noodles by holding her head back..it was so funny!!

Adelyn's first ice cream cone!! She loved it and had already eated a bowl of vanilla herself.
(Update: Adelyn is becoming such a BIG girl now!! One of my favorite things she says is, "Togaaather"...so we will all be sitting on the bed and Addie says, "Mommy, Daddy and Adelyn are all togaather." It is super adorable. Adelyn also knows most of her shapes, recognition of alot of her letters and numbers...she also knows her last name and that she is a girl!!)

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