Monday, May 31, 2010


Addie's BIG present from Great Grandma Jacky and Great Grandpa A.D.!!

Woo hoo....Addie got a water table and water toys. Addie also got some clothes from the Great Grandparents and Grandma Joy and Grandpa David.

Love love loves her water table!!

Pizza pizza for dinner.....Addie's favorite!!

Cupcake with mommy and daddy on Addie's 1st birthday!!
Presents from Mommy and Daddy!!

We got Addie a baby and stroller...she loves being a little mommy and taking care of her baby!!

Today was a great day. Addie was a little crabby at first but then got happier once Great Grandma Jacky and Grandma Joy got here with lunch from Winsteads and brought her some presents. Adelyn had so much fun playing in the water table from Grandma and Grandpa Hook. She also loved eating her favorite pizza for dinner!! I loved that she loved her new baby and stroller. Adelyn loves to push it around with her baby and bottle in it!! Happy 1st Birthdat Adelyn Ann Benton...Daddy and Mommy SOOOOO MUCH!!

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