Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 28th (3 months old Today!!)

I still can't believe Adelyn is already 3 months old...time has flown by. I love spending each and every moment with Addie and I love seeing her change every day.

Addie loves looking at herself in the mirror now!! Had to get a shot.

Feet, feet and more feet.

Val, Addie and her little girl Isabelle.
We came to visit and had fun going on a long walk. Val and I had fun talking a catching up while the girls played with each other.

Grandma and Grandpa Livingston's house for an appetizer dinner. Addie had so much playing on the floor.

We had a very busy day today and by the time bedtime rolled around Addie was ready. She fell asleep in the cradle I used when I was little at Grandma's House. I love to watch her sleep !!!

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