Pretty girl today before heading off to summer school! I got this dress for a steal at Target for $6.50!! She just looked to cute that I had to take a picture of her on her last day of summer school!
After school I had told my neighbors Grant and Girls along with Ruth and Noah our neighbors down the street to come swimming around 12:30 after lunch. Well my friend Crystal called to see what we were doing since they couldn't make it to Black Bob Bay last night. I said head on over at 12:30 to swim.
Popsicles are always a hit.
Nick also got home early from working early so he got to enjoy some swimming fun.
This shot it awesome shot of grant throwing Kenna.
She was scared but loved it once she did it.
How many kids can we fit on the blue mat!!
So Ruth was having a hard morning so she brought was 1:30 and we had the dad's in the pool so why not! And then I made my special drink of malibu, pineapple and moscato. So we were having a blast in the pool...talking and enjoying the pool with our drinks. Great fun surprising not planned afternoon with great friends!!
Lol Charlee put that drink down.
(Just kidding it was empty!!)
Playing a rock the blue mat game for each person. Nick's turn.
Laura did great.
Priestly's turn...Taylor and Adelyn's friend from soccer.
Addie is so brown!
Taylor's turn.
Yes Noah is doing push ups..typical
Tinsley's turn.
Charlee's up.
Ella Bella finally tried.
Nick being silly.
Wow one of the best days of summer so far. We had a blast and so did the kids!!