Monday, August 30, 2010
August 29th (Playdate at the Simmon's!!)
At the Simmon's House for a Playdate
Adleyn loved playing with Bridget's kitchen.
Bridget (17 1/2 months), Adelyn (15 months), and Mia (16 1/2 months)
August 28th (Gaga and Papa's House)
Today we headed out to Olathe to tell the Grandparent's the exciting news....we are moving to OLATHE September 25th!! We will be living there for awhile since we are renting to own out our house and can't purchase another one for a year. We are excited, nervous, sad and ready to save our money!! I feel so blessed to have such loving parents that will take in two adults, one toddler, and two big dogs!!
August 26th (Yummy Chicken Enchiladas)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
August 25th (Picnic/Playground with Amy and Mia)
Silly Addie
Today we had so much fun. Well first we had to run an errand for daddy, paying his dues. Then we met up with Amy, Mia and the two boys Amy nannies for. We ate lunch and played for a while. We came home took a nap and then headed outside to play in the water table to enjoy this summer before it is gone!! Then mommy made yummy lasguana and daddy came home and we had a nice relaxing evening!!
August 24th (Visit from Great Grandparents!!)
Great Grandpa was showing Adelyn how to play Chop-stix!! It was super cute.
Today Great Grandpa and Grandma came out to visit...they needed to get out of their house since they are getting a new roof put on. We all went to Burger King for lunch...were Addie ate 5 chicken tenders!! Her appetite is coming back...woo hooo. Then we came back and Adelyn played in her playroom and then showed her new jeep to her Grandparent's before they left. What a fun filled day!!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
August 21st (Venture out to the Legends...didn't go so well!!)
August 19th (My Sick Baby Girl!!)
August 15th (Backyard Fun!!)
We had a fun evening tonight playing outside in our backyard. Adelyn can now drive the jeep all by herself...she just loves it. She also enjoys going down her little slide all by herself. Adelyn just loves to be outside all the time it doesn't matter if it is 20 degrees out of 100...she is an outside baby!!
August 14th (Visit From Jessica!!)
Friday, August 13, 2010
August 6th (Fun time in Olathe!!)
The Great Mall

Playing at one of the play area's at the Great Mall. Addie had so much fun and didn't want to stop going up and down and all around.

Addie just the loves the pool at G-ma and G-pa's!!

Today Adelyn and I headed out to Olathe and met my mom and Grandma at the mall. Addie got the hook up on two pairs of new tennis shoes, some new clothes and books. Man she is so spoiled!! We then headed over to Grandma Joy's to take a nap and going swimming. Then Daddy got dropped off after work and ate dinner with us all. Great Day!! Thanks mom and Grandma for spoiling my little girl.
Addie just the loves the pool at G-ma and G-pa's!!
Today Adelyn and I headed out to Olathe and met my mom and Grandma at the mall. Addie got the hook up on two pairs of new tennis shoes, some new clothes and books. Man she is so spoiled!! We then headed over to Grandma Joy's to take a nap and going swimming. Then Daddy got dropped off after work and ate dinner with us all. Great Day!! Thanks mom and Grandma for spoiling my little girl.
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